Saturday, November 30, 2019

Life Work of Japanese Artist Hosoda Eishi Essay Example

Life Work of Japanese Artist Hosoda Eishi Paper The Japanese art form of woodblock printing, Ukiyo-e, is the most universally known form of Japanese art. It originated in the mid-seventeenth century and lasted through the mid-nineteenth century. This time period is described as the Edo Period. Hosoda Eishi was one of the artists in Ukiyo-e School. He has done pieces in both printing and woodblock printing. To understand and gain respect for the art of Hosoda Eishi, we need to talk about Ukiyo-e. In essence, Ukiyo-e reveals much of the rich history of Japan. This paper will first talk about the background of Hosoda Eishi, then an overview of Ukiyo-e and the works of Eishi will be covered. Eishi (Chobunsai) Hosoda Eishi Hosoda, also known as Chobunsai, was born in 1756 as the son of a noted Samurai family. He was the eldest son and his future was assured in the form of an annual stipend from the shogun (Evan 1975). He was appointed to a high rank at the court. He first studied Kano and served as an official painter to the shogun for several years. Then, around the age of thirty, Eishi gave up his heritage and turned to the plebeian Ukiyo-e prints that had been his first love for some years. It was said that for the tolerance of his family he was allowed to make this drastic step down into the masses without complete ostracism or even direct government interference (Evan 1975). Indeed, he was even allowed to retain his art name Eishi (He Glorifies) which had been bestowed on him by the shogun himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Work of Japanese Artist Hosoda Eishi specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Life Work of Japanese Artist Hosoda Eishi specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Life Work of Japanese Artist Hosoda Eishi specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Eishi had been a senior apprentice of Eisen Kano before he followed Bunryusai to learn Ukiyo-e. Trained in the Tori-style, he produced highly praised works. His favorite subjects were Bijin which means beautiful women. Moreover, he developed an interest in painting prostitutes, and A Beauty in the Snow was one of his mature pieces. He also produced some prints with landscape and historic subjects. Unlike most of the ukiyo-e artists, who were typically born into the merchant class, Eishi was born into a noted samurai family. Eishis early prints date from the period of Kiyonagas dominance, yet already reveal a refined sweetness that was to remain his trademark (Percival 1978). Like his later mentor Utamaros work, Eishis work was devoted principally to designs of beautiful female figures, whether courtesans of the Yoshiwara or idealized maidens in idyllic surroundings. His women are refined, elegant, quiet, and like a doll, they are motionless. Eishis women do not show their feelings. It is said, that was because Eishi was a samurai, his view of women was strongly influenced by the ideal of samurai women (Percival 1978). He was also a master of erotica. Eishi was not only one of the most successful and popular artists of his day, but was also a very influential teacher who had many pupils and followers. History of Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e is traditional wood-block printing art of Japan. The appealing art of the Ukiyo-e woodblock print is undoubtedly the most universally known of all Japanese arts. This particular style of art flourished in Japan during the period from the mid-seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century. The word Ukiyo was originated from a Buddhism term this transitory world lasting for ones life until death. However, the meaning was changed later with an optimistic view of life that one should enjoy his life anyhow one passed through the transitory world, while the word e means a picture or drawing (Percival 1978). The art of Ukiyo-e, now usually means pictures of the floating world, originated in the metropolitan culture of Edo (modern day Tokyo) during the period of Japanese history when the political and military power was in the hands of the shoguns, and the country was virtually isolated from the rest of the world. It is an art closely connected with the pleasures of theatres, restaurants, teahouses, geisha and courtesans (Pekarik 1991). Also Ukiyo-e took on the role of mass media for the community. Many Ukiyo-e prints were in fact posters, advertising theatre performances or idol portraits of popular actors and beautiful teahouse girls. But this more or less sophisticated wor ld of urban pleasures was also animated by the traditional Japanese love of nature. Some of the popular art pieces by Eishi are The Thirty-Six Immortal Women Poets which is a poetry album with illustrations by Eishi, Shizuka in the Shizutama-ya, which was made around 1794 or 1795 when his art was at its best. It is from the set, Six Select Beauties in the Gay Quarters (Seiro Bijin Rokkasen), Courtesan on a Spring Evening and Oiran with Two Kamuro Strolling under a Cherry Tree were both handscrolls with ink and colour on silk. Some woodblock prints like Kisen Hoshi, from the series Six Immortal Poets, Echizenya Morokoshi, from the series Six Beauties from the Pleasure Quarter and Hanogi, Yoshino and Tatsuta from the Ogiya Establishment are example of the work by Eishi. Conclusion In Japan, painting is the preferred artistic expression practiced by amateur and professional alike. Until modern times, the Japanese wrote with a brush rather than a pen, and their familiarity with brush techniques has made them particularly sensitive to painterly values. Undoubtedly, the artwork of Eishi and the influences of Ukiyo-e on him have been significant in the history of Japanese art.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Polygons on ACT Math Geometry Formulas and Strategies

Polygons on ACT Math Geometry Formulas and Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Questions about both circles and various types of polygons are some of the most prevalent types of geometry questions on the ACT. Polygons come in many shapes and sizes and you will have to know them inside and out in order to take on the many different types of polygon questions the ACT has to offer. The good news is that, despite their variety, polygons are often less complex than they look; a few simple rules and strategies are all that you need when it comes to solving an ACT polygon question. This will be your complete guide to ACT polygons- the rules and formulas for various polygons, the kinds of questions you’ll be asked about them, and the best approach for solving these types of questions. What is a Polygon? Before we go to polygon formulas, let’s look at what exactly a polygon is. A polygon is any flat, enclosed shape that is made up of straight lines. To be â€Å"enclosed† means that the lines must all connect, and no side of the polygon can be curved. Polygons NOT Polygons Polygons come in two broad categories- regular and irregular. A regular polygon has all equal sides and all equal angles, while irregular polygons do not. Regular Polygons Irregular Polygons A polygon will always have the same number of sides as it has angles. So a polygon with nine sides will have nine angles. The different types of polygons are named after their number of sides and angles. A triangle is made of three sides and three angles (â€Å"tri† meaning three), a quadrilateral is made of four sides (â€Å"quad† meaning four), a pentagon is made of five sides (â€Å"penta† meaning five), etc. Many of the polygons you’ll see on the ACT (though not all) will either be triangles or some sort of quadrilateral. Triangles in all their forms are covered in our complete guide to ACT triangles, so let’s move on to look at the various types of quadrilaterals you’ll see on the test. Barber shop quartets, quadrilaterals- clearly the secret to success is in fours. Quadrilaterals There are many different types of quadrilaterals, most of which are subcategories of one another. Parallelogram A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which each set of opposite sides is both parallel and congruent (equal) with one another. The length may be different than the width, but both widths will be equal and both lengths will be equal. Parallelograms are peculiar in that their opposite angles will be equal and their adjacent angles will be supplementary (meaning any two adjacent angles will add up to 180 degrees). Most questions that require you to know this information are quite straightforward. For example: If we draw this parallelogram, we can see that the two angles in question are supplementary. This means that the two angles will add up to 180 degrees. Our final answer is F, add up to 180 degrees. Rhombus A rhombus is a type of parallelogram in which all four sides are equal and the angles can be any measure (so long as their adjacents add up to 180 degrees and their opposite angles are equal). Rectangle A rectangle is a special kind of parallelogram in which each angle is 90 degrees. The rectangle’s length and width can either be equal or different from one another. Square If a rectangle has an equal length and width, it is called a square. This means that a square is a type of rectangle (which in turn is a type of parallelogram), but NOT all rectangles are squares. Trapezoid A trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has only one set of parallel sides. The other two sides are non-parallel. Kite A kite is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of equal sides that meet one another. You'll notice that a lot of polygon definitions will fit inside other definitions, but a little organization (and dedication) will help keep them straight in your head. Polygon Formulas Though there are many different types of polygons, their rules and formulas build off of a few basic ideas. Let’s go through the list. Area Formulas Most polygon questions on the ACT will ask you to find the area or the perimeter of a figure. These will be the most important area formulas for you to remember on the test. Area of a Triangle $$a = {1/2}bh$$ The area of a triangle will always be half the amount of the base times the height. In a right triangle, the height will be equal to one of the legs. In any other type of triangle, you must drop down your own height, perpendicular from the vertex of the triangle to the base. Area of a Square $$l^2$$ Or $$lw$$ Because each side of a square is equal, you can find the area by either multiplying the length times the width or simply by squaring one of the sides. Area of a Rectangle $$lw$$ For any rectangle that is not a square, you must always multiply the base times the height to find the area. Area of a Parallelogram $$bh$$ Finding the area of a parallelogram is exactly the same as finding the area of a rectangle. Because a parallelogram may slant to the side, we say we must use its base and its height (instead of its length and width), but the principle is the same. You can see why the two actions are equal if you were to transform your parallelogram into a rectangle by dropping down straight heights and shifting the base. Area of a Trapezoid $$[(l_1 + l_2)/2]h$$ In order to find the area of a trapezoid, you must find the average of the two parallel bases and multiply this by the height of the trapezoid. Let's take a look at this formula in action, The trapezoid is divided into a rectangle and two triangles. Lengths are given in inches. What is the combined area of the two shaded triangles? A. 4 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 E. 18 If you remember your formula for trapezoids, then we can find the area of our triangles by finding the area of the trapezoid as a whole and then subtracting out the area of the rectangle inside it. First, we should find the area of the trapezoid. $[(l_1 + l_2)/2]h$ $[(6 + 12)/2]3$ $(18/2)3$ $(9)3$ $27$ Now, we can find the area of the rectangle. $6 * 3$ 18 And finally, we can subtract out the area of the rectangle from the trapezoid. $27 - 18$ 9 The combined area of the triangles is 9. Our final answer is C, 9. In general, the best way to find the area of different kinds of polygons is to transform the polygon into smaller and more manageable shapes. This will also help you if you forget your formulas come test day. For example, if you forget the formula for the area of a trapezoid, turn your trapezoid into a rectangle and two triangles and find the area for each. Luckily for us, this has already been done in this problem. We know that we can find the area of a triangle by ${1/2}bh$ and we already have a height of 3. We also know that the combined bases for the triangles will be: $12 - 6$ 6 So let us say that one triangle has a base of 4 and the other has a base of 2. (Why those numbers? Any numbers for the triangle bases will work so long as they add up to 6.) Now, let us find the area for each triangle. or the first triangle, we have: ${1/2}(4)(3)$ $(2)(3)$ $6$ And for the second triangle, we have: ${1/2}(2)(3)$ $(1)(3)$ 3 Now, let us add them together. $6 + 3$ 9 Again, the area of our triangles together is 9. Our final answer is C, 9. Always remember that there are many different ways to find what you need, so don’t be afraid to use your shortcuts! Side and Angle Formulas Whether your polygon is regular or irregular, the sum of its interior degrees will always follow the rules of that particular polygon. Every polygon has a different degree sum, but this sum will be consistent, no matter how irregular the polygon. For example, the interior angles of a triangle will always equal 180 degrees, whether the triangle is equilateral (a regular polygon), isosceles, acute, or obtuse. So by that same notion, the interior angles of a quadrilateral- whether kite, square, trapezoid, or other- will always add up to be 360 degrees. Interior Angle Sum You will always be able to find the sum of a polygon’s interior angles in one of two ways- by memorizing the interior angle formula, or by dividing your polygon into a series of triangles. Method 1: Interior Angle Formula $$(n−2)180$$ If you have an n number of sides in your polygon, you can always find the interior degree sum by the formula $(n - 2)$ times 180 degrees. Method 2: Dividing Your Polygon Into Triangles The reason the above formula works is because you are essentially dividing your polygon into a series of triangles. Because a triangle is always 180 degrees, you can multiply the number of triangles by 180 to find the interior degree sum of your polygon, whether your polygon is regular or irregular. As we saw, we have two options to find our interior angle sum. Let us try each method. Solving Method 1: formulas $(n - 2)180$ There are 5 sides, so if we plug that into our formula for $n$, we get: $(5 - 2)180$ $3(180)$ 540 Now we can find the sum of the rest of the angle measurements by subtracting our known degree measure, 50, from our total interior degrees of 540. $540 - 50$ 490 Our final answer is K, 490. Solving Method 2: diving polygon into triangles We can also always divide our polygon into a series of triangles to find the total interior degree measure. We can see that our polygon makes three triangles and we know that a triangle is always 180 degrees. This means that the polygon will have a interior degree sum of: $3 * 180$ 540 degrees. And finally, let us subtract the known angle from the total in order to find the sum of the remaining degrees. $540 - 50$ 490 Again, our final answer is K, 490. Individual Interior Angles If your polygon is regular, you will also be able to find the individual degree measure of each interior angle by dividing the degree sum by the number of angles. (Note: n can be used for both the number of sides and the number of angles because the number of sides and angles in a polygon will always be equal.) ${(n - 2)180}/n$ Again, you can choose to either use the formula or the triangle dividing method by dividing your interior sum by the number of angles. Number of Sides As we saw earlier, a regular polygon will have all equal side lengths. And if your polygon is regular, you can find the number of sides by using the reverse of the formula for finding angle measures. A regular polygon with n sides has equal angles of 140 degrees. How many sides does the figure have? 6 7 8 9 10 For this question, it will be quickest for us to use our answers and work backwards in order to find the number of sides in our polygon. (For more on how to use the plugging in answers technique, check out our guide to plugging in answers). Let us start at the middle with answer choice C. We know from our angle formula (or by making triangles out of our polygons) that an eight sided figure will have: $(n - 2)180$ $(8 - 2)180$ $(6)180$ 1080 degrees. Or again, you can always find your degree sum by making triangles out of your polygon. This way you will still end up with (6)180=1080 degrees. Now, let us find the individual degree measures by dividing that sum by the number of angles. $1080/8$ $135$ Answer choice C was too small. And we also know that the more sides a figure has, the larger each individual angle will be, so we can cross off answer choices A and B, as those answers would be even smaller. (How do we know this? A regular triangle will have three 60 degree angles, a square will have four 90 degree angles, etc.) Now let us try answer choice D. $(n - 2)180$ $(9 - 2)180$ $(7)180$ 1260 Or you could find your internal degree sum by once again making triangles from your polygons. Which would again give you $(7)180 = 1260$ degrees. Now let’s divide the degree sum by the number of sides. $1260/9$ $140$ We have found our answer. The figure has 9 sides. Our final answer is D, 9. Number of Diagonals $${n(n - 3)}/2$$ It is common for the ACT to ask you about the number of distinct diagonals in a polygon. Again, you can find this information using the formula or by drawing it out (or a combination of the two). This is basically the same as dividing your polygon into triangles, but they will be overlapping and you are counting the number of lines drawn instead of the number of triangles. Method 1: formula In order to find the number of distinct diagonals in a polygon, you can simply use the formula ${n(n - 3)}/2$, wherein $n$ is the number of sides of the polygon. Method 2: drawing it out The reason the above formula works is a matter of logic. Let’s look at an octagon, for example. You can see that an octagon has eight angles (because it has eight sides). If you were to draw all the diagonals possible from one particular angle, you could draw five lines. You will always be able to draw n−3 lines because one of the angles is being used to form all the diagonals and the lines to the two adjacent angles make up part of the perimeter of the polygon and are therefore NOT diagonals. So you can only draw diagonals to n−3 corners. Now, let’s mark another angle’s series of diagonals. You can see that none of these diagonals overlap, BUT if we were to draw the diagonals from an opposite corner, we would have multiple overlapping diagonals. The adjacent angles will not overlap, but the opposite ones will. This means that there will only be half as many diagonals as the total number of angles multiplied by their possible diagonals (in other words half of n(n−3). This is why our final formula is: ${n(n - 3)}/2$ This is all the angles multiplied by their total number of diagonals, all divided by half so that we do not get overlapping diagonal lines. (Note: of course an alternative to using any form of the formula is to simply draw out your diagonals, making sure to be very very careful to not create any overlapping diagonal lines.) Just make sure you don't dizzy yourself keeping track of all your angles and diagonals. Typical Polygon Questions Now that we’ve been through all of our polygon rules and formulas, let’s look at a few different types of polygon questions you’ll see on the ACT. About half of ACT polygon questions you’ll see will involve diagrams and about half will be word problems. Most all of the word problems will involve quadrilaterals in some form or another. Typically, you will be asked to find one of three things in a polygon question: The measure of an angle (or the sum of two or more angles) The perimeter of a figure The area of a figure Let’s look at a few real ACT math examples of these different types of questions. 1. Finding the measure of an angle We know that we can find the degree measure of a regular polygon by finding their total number of degrees and dividing that by the number of sides/angles. So let us find the sum of the interior degrees of our pentagon. A pentagon can be divided into three triangles, so we know that it has a total of: 3(180) 540 degrees. If we divide this number by the number of sides/angles in a pentagon, we can see that each angle measure is: $540/5$ 108 Now, we also know that every straight line is 180 degrees. This means that we can find the exterior angles of the pentagon by subtracting the interior angles from 180. $180 - 108$ 72 We also know that a triangle's interior degrees always add up to 180, so we can find our final angle by subtracting our two known angles from 180. $180 - 72 - 72$ 36 Our final answer is C, 36. 2: Finding the perimeter of a figure We know that a square has, by definition, all equal sides. Because DC is 6, that means that ED, EB, and BC are all equal to 6 as well. We also know that an equilateral triangle has all equal sides. Because EB equals 6 and is part of the equilateral triangle, EB, AE, and AB are all equal to 6 as well. And, finally, the perimeter of the figure is made up of lines DE, EA, AB, BC, and CD. This means that our perimeter is: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 30 Our final answer is C, 30. 3: Using or finding the area of the figure We know that the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length times the width, and we also know that a rectangle has two paris of equal sides. So we need to find measurements for the sides that, in pairs, add up to 24 and, when multiplied, will make a prouct of 32. One way we can do this is to use the strategy of plugging in answers. Let us, as usual when using this strategy, start with answer choice C. So, if we have a short side length of 3, we need to double it to find how much the short sides contribute to the total perimeter. $3 * 2$ 6 If we subtract this from our total perimeter, we find that the sum of our longer sides are: $24 - 6$ 18 Which means that each of the longer sides is: $18/2$ 9 Now, if one side length is 3 and the other is 9, then the area of the rectangle will be: $3 * 9$ 27 This is too small to be our area. We need the shorter side lengths to be longer than 3 so that the product of the length and the width will be larger. Let us try option J instead. If we have two side lengths that each measure 4, they will add a total of: $4 * 2$ 8 Now let us subtract this from the total perimeter. $24 - 8$ 16 This is the sum of the longer side lengths, which means we must divide this number in half to find the individual measures. $16/2$ 8 And finally, let us multiply the length times the width to find the area of the rectangle. $8 * 4$ 32 These measurements fit our requirements, which means that the shorter sides must each measure 4. Our final answer is J, 4. Now let's look at the strategies for success for your polygon questions (as well as what to avoid doing). How to Solve a Polygon Question Now that we’ve seen the typical kinds of questions you’ll be asked on the ACT and gone through the process of finding our answers, we can see that each solving method has a few techniques in common. In order to solve your polygon problems most accurately and efficiently, take note of these strategies: #1: Break up figures into smaller shapes Don’t be afraid to write all over your diagrams. Polygons are complicated figures, so always break them into small pieces when you can. Break them apart into triangles, squares, or rectangles and you’ll be able to solve questions that would be impossible to figure out otherwise. Alternatively, you may need to expand your figures by providing extra lines and creating new shapes in which to break your figure. Just always remember to disregard these false lines when you’re finished with the problem. If we create and expand new lines in our figure, we can make our lengths and sides a little more clear. We can also see why this works because our red lines are essentially extensions of the perimeter branching outwards in order to give us a clearer picture. Now, we know that, because the bottom-most horizontal line is equal to 20, the sum of all the other horizontal lines is also equal to 20. We can also see that all the vertical lines will add up to: 12 + 8 + 8 + 12 This means that our total perimeter will be: 20 + 20 + 12 + 12 + 8 + 8 80 Our final answer is B, 80. #2: Use your shortcuts If you don’t feel comfortable memorizing formulas or if you are worried about getting them wrong on test day, don’t worry about it! Just understand your shortcuts (for example, remember that all polygons can be broken into triangles) and you’ll do just fine. #3: When possible, use PIA or PIN Because polygons involve a lot of data, it can be very easy to confuse your numbers or lose track of the path you need to go down to solve the problem. For this reason, it can often help you to use either the plugging in answer strategy (PIA) or the plugging in numbers strategy (PIN), even though it can sometimes take longer (for more on this, check out our guides to PIA and PIN). #4: Keep your work organized There is a lot of information to keep track of when working with polygons (especially once you break the figure into smaller shapes). It can be all too easy to lose your place or to mix-up your numbers, so be extra vigilant about your organization and don’t let yourself lose a well-earned point due to careless error. Before you go ahead and put your polygon knowledge to the test, take a moment to bask in some much-needed Cuteness. Test Your Knowledge Now, let's test your knowledge on polygons with some real SAT math examples. 1. 2. 3. 4. Answers: D, C, G, G Answer Explanations: 1. In order to find the number of distinct diagonals, we can, as always, either use our diagonal formula or be very (very) careful to draw our own. Let us try both methods. Method 1: formula ${n(n - 3)}/2$ We have a hexagon, so there are 6 sides. We can therefore plug 6 in for n. ${6(6 - 3)}/2$ $6(3)/2$ $18/2$ $9$ There will be 9 distinct diagonals. Our final answer is D, 9. Method 2: drawing it out If we draw our own diagonals, we can see that there are still 9 diagonals total. We can color-code these lines here, but you will not have that option on the test, so make sure you are both able to draw out all your diagonals and not count repeat lines. When done correctly, we will have 9 distinct diagonals in our hexagon. Our final answer is D, 9. 2. We know that, by definition, a parallelogram has two pairs of equal sides. So if one side measures 12, then at least one of the other three sides must also measure 12. So let us first subtract our pair of 12-length sides from our total perimeter of 72. $72 - 12 -12$ 48 The remaining pair of sides will have a sum of 48. We also know that the remaining pair of sides must be equal to one another, so let us divide this sum in half in order to find their individual measures. $48/2$ 24 This means that our parallelogram will have side measures of: 12, 12, 24, 24 Our final answer is C. 3. We are told that each of these rectangles is a square, which means that the side lengths for each square will be equal. We also know that, in order to find the area of a square, we can simply square (multiply a number by itself) one of the sides. So, if the larger square has an area of 50 square centimeters, that means that one of the side lengths squared must be equal to 50. In other words: $s^2 = 50$ $s =√50$ $s =√25 *√2$ $s = 5√2$ (For more info on how to manipulate roots and squares like this, check out our guide to ACT advanced integers.) So now we know that the length of each of the sides of the larger square is $5√2$. We also know that the area of the smaller square is 18 and that the length of one of the sides of the shorter square is the length of the side of the larger square, minus x. img src="" alt="body_square_example" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 212px;" width="212" So let us find x by using this information. $(5√2 - x)^2 = 18$ $5√2 - x =√18$ $5√2 - x =√9 *√2$ $5√2 - x = 3√2$ $-x = -2√2$ $x = 2√2$ We have successfully found the length of $x$. Our final answer is G,$2√2$. 4. We have a few different ways to solve this problem, but one of the easiest is to use the strategy of plugging in our own numbers. This will help us to visualize the lengths and areas much more solidly. So let us imagine for a minute that the longest length of our rectangle is 12 and the shorter side is 4. (Why those numbers? Why not! When using PIN, we can choose any numbers we want to, so long as they do not contradict our given information. And these numbers do not, which means we're good to go.) Now, to make life even simpler, let us divide our rectangle in half and just work with one half at a time. Now, because we have divided our rectangle exactly in half (and we know that we did this because we are told that F and E are both midpoints of the longest side of our rectangle), we know that BF must be 6. Now we have four triangles, three of which are shaded. In order to find the ratio of unshaded area to shaded area, let us find the areas of each of our triangles. To find the area of a triangle, we know we need: ${1/2}bh$ If we take the triangle on the left, we already know that our base is 4. We also know that the height must be 3. Why? Because point G is directly in the middle of our rectangle, so the height will be exactly half of the line BF. This means that our left-most triangle will have an area of: ${1/2}bh$ ${1/2}(4)(3)$ $(2)(3)$ $6$ Now, we know that our right-most triangle (the unshaded triangle) will ALSO have an area of 6 because its height and base will be exactly the same as our left triangle. So let us find the areas of our top and bottom triangles. Again, we already have a given value for our base (in this case 6) and the height will be exactly half of the line BA. This means that the area of our top triangle (as well as our bottom triangle) will be: ${1/2}bh$ ${1/2}(6)(2)$ $(3)(2)$ $6$ Both the left and the top-most triangles have an area of 6, which means that ALL the triangles have equal areas. There is 1 unshaded triangle and 3 shaded triangles. This means that the ratio of unshaded to shaded triangles is 1:3. We also know that this will be the same ratio if we were to complete the problem for the other half of the rectangle. Why? We cut the shape exactly in half, so the ratio of all the unshaded triangles to shaded triangles will be: 2:6 Or, again: 1:3 Our final answer is G, 1:3. A little practice, a little flare, and you've got the path down to all your right answers. The Take Aways Once you internalize the few basic rules of polygons, you’ll find that these questions are not generally as difficult as they may appear at first blush. You may come across irregular polygons and ones with many sides, but the basic strategies and formulas will always be the same. Remember your strategies, keep your work well organized, and know your key definitions, and you will be able to take on even the most difficult polygon questions the ACT can throw at you. What’s Next? You've mastered polygons and now you're raring to take on more (we're guessing). Luckily for you, there are so many more math topics to cover! Take a glance through all the math topics that will appear on the ACT to make sure you've got them locked down tight. Then go ahead and check out our ACT math guides to brush up on any topics you might be rusty on. Feeling nervous about circle questions? Roots and exponents? Fractions and ratios? Whatever you need, we have the guide for you. Want to learn some of the most useful math strategies on the test? Check out our guides to plugging in answers and plugging in numbers to help you solve questions that may have had you scrambling before. Want to get a perfect score? Look no further than our guide to getting a perfect 36 on ACT math, written by a perfect-ACT-scorer. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math lesson, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Free sample - The Vulnerability of Innocence. translation missing

The Vulnerability of Innocence. The Vulnerability of InnocenceOne of the major themes depicted by Herman Melville is the vulnerability of innocence as well as how evil and innocence are contrasted and both of which are considered to be elemental human qualities. Naturally, Billy is presented as childlike; purely innocent who has no knowledge whatsoever concerning evil. On the other hand Claggart is a true replica of pure evil, which cannot be explained except only as blemished constituent of human nature. According to Melville, Claggart had â€Å"no power to annul the elemental evil in him, though readily enough he could hide it; apprehending the good, but powerless to be it; a nature . . . like the scorpion for which the Creator alone is responsible.† (Melville 16) Among the many queries raised in the narrative as to whether   true innocence can coexist among humanity or will it always be trampled by evil or driven to iniquity in the shape of aggravated response, such as Billy striking Claggart. By tolera ting innocence to be dreadfully overwhelmed in Billy Budd, Melville makes it apparent that evil still is still evident in the world and that innocence will forever have to fight against it (Parker 12). Captain Vere's is in a dilemma on whether to condemn Billy and have him hanged despite the fact that his logic that the young sailor is not guilty is caused by Vere's very nature. Captain Vere is exemplified throughout Billy Budd as a man who pays attention to his duty. Long before the appearance of Captain Vere, the complete depiction of the captain by Rights-of-Man minor character Captain Graveling predicts the more fundamental captain's problem. In his duty, the captain has always been faithful, to a point that the same duty had turned into an obligation. It is the "dryness" of duty that leads him to have a sense of detachment from feeling or perception. In the novel, duty is portrayed as a being intellectual rather than emotional. In addition, according to Wood Captain Vere is described as having "a marked leaning toward everything intellectual, and never tolerating an infraction of discipline." (Melville 11) He abides by the law and in return he expects his men to follow suit. Billy Budd does not characterize goodness as much as he does innocence, and the argument linking innocence and evil in this novel is diverse from the difference evident between good and evil. Through the narrator, we realize that Billy is not an idol in the conventional sense. Despite the fact that he has the appealing looks and casual outlook of the model Handsome Sailor, his significant characteristic is excessive gullibility, with no moral potency or audacity. Billy lacks a sufficient consciousness of good and evil to an aid him in choosing goodness willfully, leave alone champion it. For the reason that he is not able to identify evil when tackled by it, he eventually allows Claggart to drag him from being virtuous and into violence. Early in his life – as a handsome youthful popular sailor, Billy has the only wish of adjusting to the social life around him as well as being well liked. He assumes that no one has grounds to detest him. On the contrary, Claggart is full of deception, distrust, as well as wickedness, and he even infers Billy’s placidity as a treacherous pretense. Claggart seems to obliterate Billy on no particular grounds other than the latter’s innocence. Evil subsists to corrupt innocence, and even despite the fact that Billy kills Claggart; in a sense Claggart achieves a twofold victory over Billy in his own demise. It is Claggart’s actions that cause Billy to fall from both public and ethical grace by committing murder and Billy endure death as a consequence. Even though numerous characters in Billy Budd possess strong personal consciences; essentially, the individuals on the ship are not capable of trusting trust one another. Subsequently, life aboard the ship is administered by a stringent set of rules, and basically everybody trusts the rules and not the conscience honour of individual in order to ensure that law is maintained order. The distrust that the characters experience stems from the sagacity that evil is persistent and that Evil men such as Claggart seem to be lurking all over the place. Since it is not possible to know for sure whether people’s intents are good or evil, the evil men not only masquerade their own subtle designs, but they also ascribe evil intentions to others. Most conspicuously, Claggart misinterprets Billy’s intent in the soup-spilling occurrence and later plots his downfall (Wood 23). The Dansker realizes this sort of fraudulence all too well, and as a consequence, he acquires scepticism in his transactions with other people. The Dansker’s discretion may be construed in different ways, but one such conceivable interpretation is that he fails to take direct action against evil men because he fears the cost of facing up to evil directly, thus leaving other fine men like Billy to take care and protect themselves. He may signify people who occupy themselves with roles in order to fit into the social order, by no means totally standing-in on their own impulses and as well as creating a barrier between themselves and the outside world. In this particular reading, Dansker confront an impasse comparable to Vere’s. Initially the Dansker grows fond of Billy and even tries to help him, but he eventually gives up Billy to the paranoid, claustrophobic world of the ship, where men are detached from their own principles. In Billy Budd, men who deal with the law and men who face up to evil experience comparable consequences, signifying the dark vision that evil and the law are strongly connected (Levine 32). Melville is extremely fascinated in the ways in which culture forces citizens to restrain or limit their personality. When the warship Bellipotent hauls out the humble Billy from his previous ship, the Rights-of-Man, the metaphor is realistically explicit: society is supreme, it induces men into chipping in war, and in so doing it can readily allot with the rights of the personality. Captain Vere’s dilemma when dealing with Billy illustrated how culture requires the partition of one’s inner belief from one’s social commitment. In indicting Billy, Vere make a decision to follow the correspondence of the law, in spite of his own logic that Billy personifies decency and virtue. Feeling the strain of his position as a person in charge as well as with a responsibility to witness as the men obey the Mutiny Act, Vere forces himself to pay no attention to his own feelings about Billy’s condition and even goes a step ahead to urge the other jurors in the case to follow suit (34). The narrator’s aim seems to be that the desires of individuals are in general good and advantageous the whole society. Nevertheless, the result of the narrator’s story is more portentous. Even though the British war machine significantly benefits from the person eagerness and partisanship of its sailors, the more dominant the navy becomes, the further it is capable to smother individualism. Indeed, the harsh legislation of the Mutiny Act is passed to contain any additional murmurings of rebels. Melville seems to advocate that eventually, the individual’s effort to declare himself in the face of society will bear out futile.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Learning assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Learning assessment - Essay Example In this regard the most basic elements of procedural writing should be taught to the students. Writing is an art that is noted as one of the most used expression of the human civilization. It could then be observed that through the numerous written works of different authors of books, of paper articles and other readable materials alike, there is a certain pattern that they follow. Why is it important to make effective use of these procedures' A.L. Trupe says that "Effective intervention results in better papers. Students who are asked or required to spend more time on a paper will think more about their topic, retain more information, and develop more powerful insights" (2001, Internet).Not everyone might easily see this obvious presentation of thoughts in a fine pattern. However, as it has always been said everybody and everything starts with the basics. Through this particular discussion, there are numerous factors that would be considered to be able to identify the essential proc edures that even expert or professional writers take into consideration when they are putting their thoughts into writing. When writingWhen writing a paper, or in this case a letter, there are at least three major preliminary procedures that should be considered by the writer. These procedures are called the "primary procedures". The said procedures include: (a) Prewriting Prewriting is the process by which a writer tends to scribble the words in his or her mind on paper. The words may mean nothing yet as they are all serving as key words to the main thoughts of the writer. From this so-called "scribbles" of thoughts, the writer is then able to create a plan on what he or she would more likely focus on in his writing. (b) Planning From the "scribbles" comes along the plan of the plot of the idea that is to be presented by the writer in writing. The ways by which the writer wants to layout the topic is done through outlining the primary topics of concern that needs to be addressed within the context of whatever it is that is being written about. Most often than not, this particular stage of writing makes it easier for the writer to see what the expected result of the written article or composition would actually look like. (c) Drafting From the outline comes the first-hand draft of the paper. The paper's draft looks like the actual approach of the writing, only that it is a much more basic type. It is a type of the composition that requires refurnishing. Meaning there are a lot of points that still needs to be redone in this particular step in writing. The writer is much freer when it comes

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

History of the Computer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

History of the Computer - Essay Example Even though Leonardo da Vinci made drawings of gear-driven calculators, he never built any, and it was in 1623 that Wilhelm Schickard invented the calculating clock. Later on, in 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline, a gear-driven calculador that could only add. Then Leibniz built a four-function calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) that he called the Stepped Reckoner, which used fluted drums instead of gears. (Kopplin, 2002). In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the punched cards, which are still in use like in presidential ballots. By 1822, Charles Babbage obtained government funding to build what he called the Difference Engine, a steam-driven calculator. It was very difficult to build, and the machine was never finished. Then Babbage invented the Analytic Engine, using Jacquard's punched cards, adding the key function of the conditional statement. Babbage was a friend of Ada Byron, who is recognized as the first programmer thanks to her writings for the proponed Analytic Engine, which was never built. When the United States needed to speed up the census procedure, Herman Hollerith won a contest by using an invention of his own that used punched cards called the Hollerith Desk. "Hollerith's technique was successful and the 1890 census was completed in only 3 years at a savings of 5 million dollars." (Kopplin, 2002). Hollerith founded the company, the Tabulating Machine Company, which eventually beca me International Business Machines (IBM). IBM developed mechanical calculators for businessess, but the U.S. military needed more optimized calculators for scientific computation. As a result of this need, "the Harvard Mark I was built as a partnership between Harvard and IBM in 1944". (Kopplin, 2002). It was an electro-mechanical computer so it was very big and very noisy. It was also the first programmable digital computer made in the United States. In 1953, the first high-level language called Flowmatic was invented by Grace Hopper. This language was later known as COBOL. After using vaccum tubes and transistors for a while, then came the integrated circuit. "The primary advantage of an integrated circuit is not that the transistors (switches) are miniscule (that's the secondary advantage), but rather that millions of transistors can be created and interconnected in a mass-production process". (Kopplin, 2002). The integrated circuit was used by the early 1980's. One of the first attempts to build an all-electronic digital computer was undertaken by J.V. Atanasoff in 1937. By 1941 he and Clifford Berry built such a machine. It was the first to use binary arithmetic, but it was not programmable. During World War II the computer named Colossus was built by Britain for code breaking. "American and British computer pioneers were still arguing over who was first to do what, when in 1965 the work of the German Konrad Zuse was published for the first time in English." (Kopplin, 2002). Zuse built several computers in Nazi Germany. "The title of forefather of today's all-electronic digital computers is usually awarded to ENIAC, which stood for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. ENIAC was built at the University of Pennsylvania between 1943 and 1945 by two professors, John Mauchly and the 24 year old J. Presper Eckert, who got funding from the war department after promising they could build a machine that would replace all

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Teen Curfews are Ridiculous Essay Example for Free

Teen Curfews are Ridiculous Essay Earl Manning, my life-long mentor, says, Teen curfews are quite possibly the best thing ever. Teens are evil, corrupt beings and a curfew is all the world needs to cage up teen crime. Though most of Earls wise teachings are true and insightful, on this subject he is terribly mistaken. Teen curfews are not the right solution to the problem of juvenile crime because they enroach on the rights of teens and parents, are ineffective, and there are much better solutions. First of all, how can teen curfews be a good solution if they enroach on the rights of teens and their parents? Civil rights groups, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) stand up for the rights of Americans as given to them by the Constitution of the United States. Teen curfews violate First Amendment rights, particularly the right to assemble. According the time line taken from Milestones in Teen Curfews in the United States, the courts agreed in 1989. U.S. District Judge Charles Richey blocked the implementation of a Washington DC curfew, essentially calling it unconstitutional. He said the ordinance would raise serious constitutional claims for teens. Curfews constitutionality was again questioned in November 1995 when the ACLU filed a lawsuit in U.S. District court. Then again in July 2000 the rights of American teens prevailed when a federal district court judge found that Indianas 1945 curfew violates the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Advocates of juvenile rights and upholding the Constitution also make it clear that curfews invade on the rights of parents to raise their children. Laws exist to protect citizens, not suppress their basic freedoms as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. A primary reason curfews are not the right solution to the problem of juvenile crime is that they are not, have not been, and will not be effective. According to the article Teen Curfews, 146 of the nations 200 largest cities now enforce teen curfews, yet juvenile crime rates nationwide remain largely higher than in the past. If teen curfews really are effective, then it would be assumed that there would be a decrease in the juvenile crime rate, or at least a maintenance of status quo. Statistics show that most juvenile crime occurs between the hours of 3 P.M. and 6 P.M.  Thus it would be fruitless to enact curfews that do not attack the problem head on. As James Alan Fox, the dean of the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, says, The problem with curfew laws is that most kids, the good, the bad and the tired, are asleep at midnight. Past curfews faced these same problems. The time line shows that many cities had passed curfew laws by the 1980s, yet the juvenile violent-crime rate surges upward. Then in the 1990s there was a resurgence of teen curfews to combat juvenile crime, but according to the article the juvenile violent-crime rate.. has climbed [over the past four years], except in 1995, when curfews met resistance from the ACLU. In June 1998, a study on the impact of curfews on juvenile crime in California, released by the Justice Policy Institute, finds that curfews are more a public relations gimmick than an effective crime-fighting tool. The future of curfews looks equally grim and ineffective. According to John DiIulio Jr., a leading crime expert, The large population will give rise to a new and more vicious group of predatory street criminals than the nation has ever known. Arthur Spitzer, the legal director of the ACLU, says, I find it very hard to believe that a curfew would have any significant effect on teenagers who are selling drugs, stealing cars or carrying a gun, which DiIulio suggest is the future of American youth. In February 2000, a survey released by the National League of Cities concludes that curfews do little to reduce hard core gang activity. Lastly, there are better, more effective solutions than teen curfews. The conflict of teen curfews could be avoided all together if such actions were taken. The problem of juvenile crime should be stopped at its source, not nudged in the shoulder by curfews. There have been numerous attempts to combat juvenile crime through positive means and many have been successful. In 1936, the Police Athletic League (PAL) was founded in New York City. PAL worked effectively to give teens a positive alternative to juvenile crime. In 1953 Boys and Girls Clubs of America are established. These offer social, educational, career and leadership programs to disadvantaged youths. In 1974 the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act established the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) which gave funds to states to take on juvenile crime. With more  funding and proper management of funds, more programs could be created and those that exist could be expanded and improved. According to the article, Many say that after-school programs and organized sports leagues work to reduce crime. Alfred Blumstein, a leading criminologist, says that curfews must be augmented by community centers. However, teen curfews could be eliminated all together with the expansion of better, more effective solutions. In conclusion, juvenile crime is a pressing matter that demands action. However, the rectification of the problem must not include teen curfews. Curfews infringe on the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and are ineffective. Other solutions are much better, more effective, and eliminate the need for curfews.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Public Subsidies for Sports Facilities Essay -- Sports Athletics Ameri

Public Subsidies for Sports Facilities America is in the midst of a sports construction boom. New sports facilities costing at least $200 million each have been completed or are under way in Baltimore, Charlotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Nashville, San Francisco, St. Louis, Seattle, Tampa, and Washington, D.C., and are in the planning stages in Boston, Dallas, Minneapolis, New York, and Pittsburgh. Major stadium renovations have been undertaken in Jacksonville and Oakland. Industry experts estimate that more than $7 billion will be spent on new facilities for professional sports teams before 2006. Most of this $7 billion will come from public sources. The subsidy starts with the federal government, which allows state and local governments to issue tax-exempt bonds to help finance sports facilities. Tax exemption lowers interest on debt and so reduces the amount that cities and teams must pay for a stadium. Since 1975, the interest rate reduction has varied between 2.4 and 4.5 percentage points. Assuming a differential of 3 percentage points, the discounted present value loss in federal taxes for a $225 million stadium is about $70 million, or more than $2 million a year over a useful life of 30 years. Ten facilities built in the 1970s and 1980s, including the Superdome in New Orleans, the Silverdome in Pontiac, the now-obsolete Kingdome in Seattle, and Giants Stadium in the New Jersey Meadowlands, each cause an annual federal tax loss exceeding $1 million. State and local governments pay even larger subsidies than Washington. Sports facilities now typically cost the host city more than $10 million a year. Perhaps the most successful new baseball stadium, Oriole Park at Camden Yards, costs Maryland residents $14 million a year. Renovations aren't cheap either: the net cost to local government for refurbishing the Oakland Coliseum for the Raiders was about $70 million. Most large cities are willing to spend big to attract or keep a major league franchise. But a city need not be among the nation's biggest to win a national competition for a team, as shown by the NBA's Utah Jazz's Delta Center in Salt Lake City and the NFL's Houston Oilers' new football stadium in Nashville. Why Cities Subsidize Sports The economic rationale for cities' willingness to subsidize sports facilities is revealed in the campaign s... ...vernments still pay for investments in supporting infrastructure, and Washington still pays an interest subsidy for the local government share. And the Charlotte case is unique. No other stadium project has raised as much private revenue. At the other extreme is the disaster in Oakland, where a supposedly break-even financial plan left the community $70 million in the hole because of cost overruns and disappointing PSL sales. Third, despite greater citizen awareness, voters still must cope with a scarcity of teams. Fans may realize that subsidized stadiums regressively redistribute income and do not promote growth, but they want local teams. Alas, it is usually better to pay a monopoly an exorbitant price than to give up its product. Prospects for cutting sports subsidies are not good. While citizen opposition has had some success, without more effective intercity organizing or more active federal antitrust policy, cities will continue to compete against each other to attract or keep artificially scarce sports franchises. Given the profound penetration and popularity of sports in American culture, it is hard to see an end to rising public subsidies of sports facilities.

Monday, November 11, 2019

History of English Literature Essay

   1.What role does the mead-hall play in Anglo-Saxon warrior culture? What is the proper relationship between a lord and his warriors? What examples can you find throughout Beowulf? 2.What is the role of women in the heroic culture of Beowulf? 3.Compare/contrast what constitutes a hero or the notion of heroism in the Old English and Middle English periods. Draw your examples from two texts: either Beowulf OR The Dream of the Rood 4.Drawing your examples from Beowulf and one Middle English work, compare/contrast the roles assigned to women in literature of the Old and Middle English periods. 5.Analyze the different ways in which English Renaissance poets contributed to or responded to the Petrarchan tradition of love poetry. 6.In what ways does the idea of the court and the life of the courtier affect Renaissance English literature? Identify poems or works in which court life is represented or commented upon and explain how those texts reflect Renaissance attitudes toward court life. 7.The concept of meditation in Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey 8.The credibility of Pip’s character in Dickens’s Great Expectations 9.Discuss the Social critique in Dickens’s Great Expectations 10.Discus the concept of being a gentleman in Dickens’s Great Expectations 11.Ddiscuss the Reality and symbolism in Hopkins’s poetry 12.Discuss the concept of purity in Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles 13.Discuss Christianity and paganism pl in Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles 14.Discuss the symbolism of darkness and light in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness 15.Discuss the elements of postmodernism in British Contemporary Poems (take example from british contemporary writer) 16.Discuss the element of Romanticism in William Wordsworth’s Poems 17.Discuss The influence of Japanese Poetry in Modern Poetry by Ezra Pound 18.Discuss the portrayal of ideal women in Victorian Novel written by Women writers. 19.How did French Poetry influence the development of modern English Poetry? 20.Discuss various aspect of modernism in James Joyce’ Ulllyses† 21.Compare different attitude to war presented by the Poets William Butler Yeats, Sigfried Sassoon, and Wilfrid Owen in their poems. 22.How did Freud’s theory on human psyce influence the work of moden writer? Provide examples! 23.How did Asian Poetry influence the works of early modernist poets Eezra Pound and Richard Aldington?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Losing Weight Expository Essay

Losing Weight COM/150 Effective Essay Writing (AXIA) Struggling with the issues of weight loss and living a healthier lifestyle. Losing weight could be a short term goal, but the main idea is to eat and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Many Americans struggle with difficulties of weight loss, not only losing the weight but keeping it off. Different methods are used for losing weight, such as, exercise, various types of dieting and some medically needed procedures. Even though weight loss is vital to many people’s careers and futures, it doesn’t mean that it’s easier for these people than it is for you and me. The difference is that most people have a state of mind that they can’t afford to fail. So they are willing to pay thousands of dollars for personal coaching and expensive surgical procedures to lose the weight and keep it off. On a long-term basis, there is only one safe, effective, foolproof way to get down to a lower weight and keep off the extra pounds. That is eating a healthier reduced-calorie diet and getting enough exercise on a daily basis. Many have come to think that eating fewer calories means eating less food. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to walk around in a state of deprivation. A feeling of deprivation is the surest way to make your weight-loss plan fail. Most people find themselves eating more food when they deprive themselves. Most first-time dieters don’t enjoy counting calories because they quickly discover that it is time consuming and can become a complicated chore. Calorie counting goes hand in hand with feeling deprived that sometimes causes a person to back away from their diet. Struggling with weight-loss can be a very serious issue. The quality of your life and how long you live is to a great extent in your own hands. For what you choose to eat largely determines whether your body wards off or becomes vulnerable to a host of life-shortening diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, hypertension, and heart disease. But changing to healthy eating habits, especially if you have not previously followed the guidelines recommended by nutritionists, can be a challenge. One could have a normal number of calories but have them all from fat, and cause other problems that can lead to heart disease or stroke. Having a similarly unbalanced diet with all the calories coming from carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes, plus it's a really easy way to gain weight as you get older. It also promotes dental problems, especially if it's foods that tend to get caught in your mouth or on your teeth. The easiest way to do that is to avoid or at least severely limit intake of fast foods, candies, snack foods, and sweet desserts. There are all kinds of health issues related to over consumption of sugar. Diabetes would be the number one health concern. But, diabetes is not the only ill effect from over consumption of sugar. Obesity, thyroid dysfunction, kidney malfunction, and intestinal problems can all be directly associated with too much sugar consumption. Once your body has reached the point of unhealthy functioning, or you have placed such a strain on your body from over consumption that one of the related diseases has taken hold, it's almost impossible to correct one problem without creating another. Once you have become a diabetic, there are so many complications; simply choosing dieting and exercise is no longer an option. The health concerns you now have far outweigh the easy solution of diet and exercise. However, high blood pressure is also a known risk factor, for those that are over weight and have lack of physical activity and does not maintain healthy eating habits. The more you weigh the more blood your body needs to supply oxygen and nutrients. As the volume of blood circulated through your blood vessels increases, so does the pressure on your arteries. People who are inactive tend to have higher heart rates. The higher your heart rate, the harder your heart must work with each contraction and the stronger the force on your arteries. Lack of physical activity also increases the risk of being overweight with stress that can lead to temporary high blood pressure. If you try to relax by eating more you may only increase the risk of having hypertension. How to be successful with weight loss for a healthier lifestyle most people start by eating the right foods that can help us avoid certain diseases or recover faster when illnesses occur. These and other important functions are fueled by chemical substances in our food called nutrients. Nutrients are classified as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Although humans need food to survive, many people eat too much, or choose the wrong foods to eat, which leads to the body putting on weight. When you eat more calories than your daily energy requirements the extra calories are stockpiled as body-fat. Slowly these fat cells keep building up and settle on the hips, waist, thighs, upper arms and back, as well as around the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs. Fortunately body-fat can easily convert into energy; however, you must reduce your fat intake and exercise regularly. If you only reduce your fat and don't exercise, your body will also break down muscle tissue and use them for fuel. Many people struggle to lose weight that is put on and that's where weight loss companies come to the rescue. There are many different ways for weight to be lost, as there are many different sorts of weight loss companies. Firstly there is exercise centers such as gyms and recreation centers which focus on fitness as the key to lose weight, Many varieties of pills, tablets and vitamin supplements are available that claim to make you lose weight. Meal replacement programs are available where the consumer has a liquid drink instead of a meal and this provides them with necessary nutrients. Diet plans are commonly found in magazines as well as the more common weight loss centers which some supply you with foods to eat and others inform you and assist you in making wise food choices. In conclusion, I found in order to be successful with losing weight for a healthier lifestyle you can follow techniques such as, eating more vegetables during meals as water-rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers reduce your overall calorie consumption. Some other water-rich foods include soups and salads; they are good source of nutrition, take most of the calories before noon because studies tell that the more you eat in the morning, the less you'll eat in the evening. Moreover, you will get more chances to burn off those early-day calories than late-night calories, make water your favorite drink. A person must have a minimum of 8 glasses of water in a day. Avoid taking soft drinks or carbonated beverages; moreover replace them with water. Water helps in reducing weight in the most effective manner. Avoid taking white foods as they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which may further lead to weight gain. Replace white sugar, white rice, and white flour with whole grain breads and brown rice. Eat fruit rather than drinking fruit juice. Eating whole foods will keep you satisfied for longer period of time than juice. Moreover, fruit juices are very high in calories. Use skimmed milk as it is high in calcium and low in calories. For coffee, use nonfat powdered milk. Don't stuff yourself with food in a single sitting; instead have 5 to 6 small meals or snacks in a day. Eating several small meals helps the body to release less insulin, which keeps blood sugar steady and helps to control hunger. More and more methods develop each day but studies show the most effective method is changing your diet mentally and physically challenging yourself. Picture this: The weight is over. Of course, this essay is not promising you that you will add years to your life, or that a funny and fabulous new personality will emerge. Also, it is not promising that you will become thinner than you’ve ever been when changing your eating habits. What it is promising is that a changed relationship with your eating habits will add benefits to your life even as it subtracts pounds and takes away your fear of regaining weight. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and the knowledge you gain from this essay can give you the power you need to change the most constant, necessary, and ongoing relationship that you have, your relationship with food. The knowledge you take from this essay should give you a realistic sense of just what is an appropriate goal for you. Genetic predisposition and even psychological factors can affect your weight. Therefore, for the person you are, there’s an appropriate weight at which you’ll look and feel your best. That’s the goal you want to aim for and maintain. References {text:bibliography-mark} (http://exercise. about. com/cs/weightloss/a/howtoloseweight) (http://acefitness. org/blog/494/how-can-i-lose-weight-and-keep-it-off)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay on Mongol Witness Sheet

Essay on Mongol Witness Sheet Essay on Mongol Witness Sheet Katie Norris November 15, 2014 Block 3 Mongol Woman Witness Sheet Mongol women under the rule of Genghis Khan had a relatively high social status compared to other societies in Asia. There was a division of labor between men and women. The men were responsible for military, administrative, and trade affairs. Women’s main responsibilities were in the household where they would care for children, do housework, and cook. A Mongol woman often would tend for their own flock of sheep. When the men of the household were away, Mongol women would take over their responsibilities. This flexibility between the roles of men and women shows that women had status that was not that far below that of the males. A Mongol woman was also able to become involved in society. Mongolian society valued a women’s fertility over the image of purity, which was very important to other Chinese societies. It was considered a woman’s civic duty to bear a large amount of children. This helped to increase their social status, as their fertility was v ery important with the succession of their empire. A Mongol woman was able to participate in social events that in many other Asian empires would be exclusive to men. For example, women were allowed to participate in archery contests with the men. Women had legal rights also, including the right to divorce their husbands if the marriage is not successful. â€Å"Khan himself sought and accepted the guidance of women at some of the most crucial points in

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

25 Active Adjectives for Your Résumé

25 Active Adjectives for Your Rà ©sumà © In the United States, distance learning at the college level has some advantages, but also some disadvantages that are pertinent to your ability to get the job you want with your online degree. It  becomes especially important for graduates of distance learning institutions to take steps to overcome this deficit when applying for a job. Your rà ©sumà © is where youll start. Deficits the Rà ©sumà © Can Help Overcome Employers often have some reservations about hiring graduates of online institutions - an attitude confirmed by a doctoral research study, The Market Value of Online Degrees as a Credible Credential, as well as by reports in U.S. News and World Report,  The New York Times  and elsewhere. The research study and news reports indicate that some reservations about distance learning graduates are simply the consequence of a lack of familiarity with the quality of education some online institutions offer - a reservation probably exacerbated by the well-publicized downfalls in 2016 of a few online degree institutions, especially the widely reported failure of The University of Phoenix. Beyond general (and sometimes not fully informed) objections to online learning by corporations considering new hires, there are some recurrent specific objections expressed by HRTs in the research study and in these news report that you will need to address. These are: Objections to degrees from unaccredited institutionsObjections to degrees from unfamiliar institutionsThe belief that science and engineering (and some other) courses require hands-on classroom experience unavailable onlineThe absence of the kind of social experience available in bricks and mortar institutions that prepare students for corporate employment - especially experience working in teams. How to Overcome These Deficits in Your Rà ©sumà © Herere some of the things you can do in your rà ©sumà © to combat these deficits. Make it easy for whoever reads your rà ©sumà © to believe in the validity of your institution. Theres no one right way to do this but consider footnoting the first mention of your institution with a short, but specific reference to its government accreditation. Dont simply supply the U.S. Department of Educations general website. Report concisely on the specifics of the governments accreditation of your particular institution. In no more than a sentence or two, do what you can do differentiate your institution from others of lesser repute. If your institution has some famous alums, mention one or (at most) two.  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Briefly (this is the most important word to remember when drafting your rà ©sumà ©) point to whatever you can that establishes that while your institution may not be widely known, its an institution thats been in business for a while and is widely respected. This might be combined with the first suggestion, above.If youve had other kinds of hands-on experience, and many distance learners have, state this early in your rà ©sumà © to dispel the idea that your online degree hasnt provided you with real-world experience. Make it clear youve had other experiences related to your field that are equally valid. Do what you can - again, being both specific and concise - to show that youre comfortable and experienced working with others, either in some program that your online institution provides or through your life experiences.Help your rà ©sumà ©Ã‚  reviewer understand your strong points by using adjectives (but not too many of them!) that point them out. Several of these also address the points raised in 1-4, above. You are: DeterminedHard-workingDiligentTrustworthyA team-playerMotivatedReliableA self-starterLoyalStudiousAttentiveConscientiousIndustriousPersistentDynamicEnergeticEnterprisingEnthusiasticAggressiveConsistentOrganizedProfessionalMethodicalSkillfulPassionate

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Describe and evaluate the current budgetary process in Congress. What, Essay

Describe and evaluate the current budgetary process in Congress. What, if anything would you change How would you change it - Essay Example at include outlays, subsidies for loans and insurance (Beranek), tax deductions among other tools; and enhanced public confidence and trust in the said process. This article discusses the various reform options available and focuses on presenting the best ways that are most likely to meet the required effectiveness and feasibility. A breakdown of the best way to do this is divided into three sections comprising of efficient and timely budgeting, accountability, and transparency (Beranek). Since the budgeting process starts at the time the president communicates his proposed budget to the Congress and is usually meant to be carried out by the first Monday of February each year and usually fails to happen, it is, therefore, almost impossible for any newly elected president to comply with a set timetable at the beginning of the year due to the existence of a strong case regarding pushing back the legislative and executive branch timetables at the time as noted by the House Budget Committee. The reform that should be carried out in enhancing the effectiveness of timely budgeting include:- The level of public trust in the budgeting process has over the years been eroded alongside the deteriorating status of the federal government and the Congress specifically. One cause of the mistrust is the prevalent credence that insiders are frolicking some sort of shell game that is designed to completely conceal the actual happenings in the process. Politicians frequently castigate against the budgeting process: Proclaiming that â€Å"Only in Washington is an expenditure increase labelled as a cut. When viewed from the stance of the ordinary mutual sense, these critics seem to have a point. For example, considering a family that uses the same location as their vacation spot every year (Beranek). The prices for lodging and travelling rises, between this year and the next year, increasing the overall vacations expenditure by $700, the family has two options either to take the cost